Dining Philosophers C Program

Through our widerange of academic programs, we offer unprecedented handson experiences through research, internships, and community outreach. Dining Philosophers Problem Using Semaphores. What is Dining Philosophers problem in C Suppose there are N philosophers meeting around a table, eating spaghetti and talking about philosophy. Now let us discuss the problem. There are only N forks available such that only one fork between each philosopher. Since there are only 5 philosophers and each one requires 2 forks to eat, we need to formulate an algorithm which ensures that utmost number of philosophers can eat spaghetti at once. The next question is why we are detailing problems in this manner Sometimes when it comes to computers, some of the analogous situations often demands solutions in a creative fashion. This is somewhat like an abstract problem in a novel dimension. In this problem, the condition is each philosopher has to think and eat alternately. Assume that there is an infinite supply of spaghetti and eating is by no means limited by the quantity of food left. When available, each philosopher can pick up the adjacent fork. But he can eat only if the right and left forks are available. PROBLEM DEFINITIONTo implement Dining Philosophers Problem using Threads and Semaphores. ALGORITHMDefine the number of philosophers. Declare one thread per philosopher. Declare one semaphore represent chopsticks per philosopher. When a philosopher is hungry. See if chopsticks on both sides are free Acquire both chopsticks or eatrestore the chopsticks. If chopsticks arent free. Write A Program To Reverse A String. Wait till they are available. PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT includelt stdio. Philosopher d Begin eating,no sleep1 printfn. Philosopher d Finish eatingn,no sempost chopstickno sempost chopstickno1n pthreadexitNULL int mainint i,res pthreadt athread1. Enter the number of philosopher scanfd, n fori0 ilt n iresseminit chopsticki,0,0 ifres 1perrorsemaphore initialization failed exit1 fori0 ilt n irespthreadcreate athreadi,NULL,threadfunc,int i ifres0perrorsemaphore creation failed exit1 sempost chopsticki fori0 ilt n irespthreadjoinathreadi,NULL ifres0perrorsemaphore join failed exit1 printfn n thread join succesfulln fori0 ilt n iressemdestroy chopsticki ifres 1perrorsemaphore destruction failed exit1 exit0 OUTPUT gcc diningsem. Next let us check out another method to solve the problem. Dining Philosophers Problem using MUTEX PROBLEM DEFINITIONTo implement Dining Philosophers Problem using Threads and mutex. ALGORITHMDefine the number of philosophers. Declare one thread per philosopher. Declare one mutexrepresent chopsticks per philosopher. When a philosopher is hungry. See if chopsticks on both sides are free acquire chopsticks eatrestore the chopsticks. If chopsticks arent freewait till theyre available. PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT includelt stdio. NULL ifres 1perrormutex initialization failed exit1 fori0 ilt philosopher irespthreadcreate athreadi,NULL,threadfunc,inti ifres0perrormutex creation failedexit1 fori0 ilt philosopher irespthreadjoinathreadi,NULL ifres0perrormutex join failed exit1 printfthread join successfuln fori0 ilt philosopher irespthreadmutexdestroy chopsticki ifres 1perrormutex destruction failedexit1 exit0 void hreadfuncint nint i,iteration5 fori0 ilt iteration isleep1 pthreadmutexlock chopstickn pthreadmutexlock chopstickn1philosopher printfn. Begin eating d,N sleep1 printfn. The Community of Light Our aspirations in a nutshell 1 to form a community in a semirural area, grow a large portion of our own food, create profitable cottage. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF FREEMASONRY AND ITS KINDRED SCIENCES by ALBERT C. MACKEY M. D. Browse the Encyclopedia by clicking on any of the letters below. A B C D E. Dining Philosophers C ProgramFinish eatingd,n pthreadmutexunlock chopstickn pthreadmutexunlock chopstickn1philosopher pthreadexitNULL OUTPUT gcc diningsem. Iusrnpt. 1 dint. Begin eating 0. Begin eating 2. Finish eating 0. Finish eating 2. Begin eating 4. Begin eating 1. Finish eating 4. Finish eating 1. Begin eating 3. Begin eating 0. Finish eating 3. Finish eating 0. Begin eating 2. Finish eating 3. Begin eating 4. Finish eating 2. Finish eating 4. Begin eating 1. Begin eating 3. Finish eating 1. Finish eating 3. Begin eating 0. Begin eating 2. Finish eating 0. Finish eating 2. Begin eating 2. Begin eating 4. Finish eating 4. Finish eating 1. Begin eating 3. Begin eating 0. Finish eating 3. Finish eating 0. Begin eating 2. Begin eating 4. Finish eating 2. Finish eating 4. Begin eating 1. Begin eating 3. Finish eating 1. Finish eating 3. Begin eating 0. Begin eating 2. Finish eating 0. Finish eating 2. Begin eating 4. Begin eating 1. Finish eating 4. Finish eating 1. Begin eating 3. Finish eating 3. Thread join successful.